Introducing a New Puppy to the Resident Adult Dog

Course Content

    1. 2.1 Start Prepared. Download your handouts.

    1. 3.1 Just Let Them Work It Out...

    2. 3.2 Wyndsor Meet Bailey ****link to why restraint tolerance

    3. 3.3 Sensitive Development Stages in Puppies

    1. 4.1 A brief Case History

    2. 4.2 Introducing Pepsi & Cirq - The Movie

    1. 5.1 Zasu Shows an 11 Month Old Adolescent How It Goes Here

    2. 5.2 Brenda reads your handout: 3 Dogs & A Greeting Ceremony

    3. 5.3 Get Your Popcorn...Watch 3 dogs and A Greeting Ceremony

    1. 6.1 Rylie, my adult Border Collie, meets Puppies

    2. 6.2 Rylie interacts with 2 Puppies

Join us!

  • $64.95
  • 23 lessons
  • 2 1/4 hours of real time training video
  • 1.5 hours of audio
  • download handouts & Comprehension questions with explanations

Wish you could have a better conversation with your dog? Learn how to speak "dog." Your dog will love you for it!